Jumat, 26 Desember 2008


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Hey Jude

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Scorpions - No One Like You

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Shanghai Dance

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Slow Dance

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Regueton Xexi-Sexy

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Hot Taiwan Girl Cute Ass

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Chinese Girl Looking Hot for the Camera

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Hot Booty

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White Body Meat

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Tarik Truk Pake Anu

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Festival di Jepang

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Sepak Bola

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Polisi Romantis

Romantically Police at Work - Just for Laughs

Romantically Police at Work - Just for Laughs - These bloopers are hilarious

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Aura Kasih's

Aura Kasih's sexy photos at Popular Magz December 2008 edition.

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Im Ji Hye

Im Ji Hye adalah nama seorang gadis cantik dan sexy dari Korea Selatan. Lahir pada tanggal 14 February 1986 di Seoul Korea Selatan . Kecantikan dan keseksiannya dengan mudah membawa dirinya untuk terjun ke dunia model. Dan dengan bekal wajah dan tubuh yang sexy , kariernya langsung melejit di dunia modeling Korea. Mau lihat betapa cantik dan seksi nya Im Ji Hee.

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10 Ebook Gratis Tentang Blog

Buat anda pecinta ebook gratisan, berikut ini adalah sepuluh ebook berbahasa indonesia yang membahas tentang dunia blogging. Cakupan topiknya cukup luas, mulai dari pengenalan wordpress, blogspot, sampai meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung blog. Ada juga bisa membaca kisah blogger sukses dari Indonesia.

1. Panduan Dasar Wordpress
Sesuai dengan judulnya ebook ini berisi dasar-dasar penggunaan wordpress. Ada banyak topik yang dibahas, mulai dari mengubah setting wordpress, memposting artikel, menggunakan widget, dsb.

Blog: http://blog.rosihanari.net/
Download: PanduanDasarWordpress.zip

2. Tutorial Wordpress
Ebook ini berisi tutorial tentang pembuatan blog di wordpress.com

Blog: http://ustadz.net/
Download: tutorial-wordpress.pdf

3. Kamus Istilah Blogger (Extended Edition)
Ebook ini akan menjelaskan istilah-istilah seputar blogging.

Blog: http://www.blogguebo.com/
Download: EbookKamusIstilahBlogger.pdf

4. Wawancara Eksklusif Bersama Blogger-Blogger Sukses
Ebook ini berisi wawancara dengan delapan blogger profesional dari luar negri dan Indonesia.

Blog: http://www.blogguebo.com/
Download: EbookSeriWawancaraEksklusif.pdf

5. Total Guide : Build a Wordpress Sites
Walaupun judul ebook ini dalam bahasa inggris, namun isinya 100% bahasa indonesia. Ebook ini membahas cara menginstall wordpress, mulai dari download wordpress terbaru, mendaftar hosting gratisan yang support php dan mysql, install wordpress, dsb.

Blog: http://neo.rizkhey.net/
Download: Total_Guide_Wordpress.pdf

6. Cara Mengupload Wordpress ke Website
Topik yang dibahas dalam ebook ini hampir sama dengan ebook di atas, yaitu menggunakan wordpress dengan hosting sendiri (bukan di wordpress.com).

Blog: http://gideon-stat07.web.ugm.ac.id/
Download: cara-uplod-web.pdf

7. Google AdSense Success Story
Ebook ini menceritakan kisah sukses blogger Indonesia dalam mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet.

Blog: http://www.cosaaranda.com/
Download: adsense_success_story.zip

8. Profit Blueprint (versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Ebook ini mengupas kisah sukses Yaro Starak pemilik blog entrepreneurs-journey.com.

Blog: http://blog.firdaus.info/
Download: http://www.lulu.com/content/1333105

9. Step By Step Blogspot Custom Domain
Ebook ini membahasa tentang blogging dengan blogspot tapi dengan menggunakan nama domain sendiri.

Blog: http://www.o-om.com/
Download: http://www.ziddu.com/

10. Kiat Sukses Promosi Blog
Setelah Anda mempunyai blog, langkah berikutnya adalah mendapatkan pengunjung. Nah ebook ini akan membahas bagaimana caranya meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung blog Anda.

Blog: http://www.o-om.com/
Download: http://www.ziddu.com/

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Start Menu Windows XP Bergaya Windows Vista

Windows Vista sudah diluncurkan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu tapi masih banyak orang yang masih lebih senang menggunakan Windows XP. Alasan utamanya mungkin karena spesifikasi hardware yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan Windows Vista lebih tinggi.

Kalau Anda tetap ingin menggunakan Windows XP tapi pengen “merasakan” tampilan dan fungsionalitas start menu seperti pada Windows Vista, Anda bisa menggunakan dua software gratis berikut ini:


Download: ViStart Beta 6.zip

Vista Start Menu

Download: VistaStartMenu_Setup_freeware_en.exe

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Mengubah Tampilan Windows XP

Bosan dengan tampilan Windows XP Anda? Kini Anda bisa mengubah tampilan Windows XP menjadi seperti Windows Vista, Mac OS, FlyakiteOSX, Fedora atau Ubuntu. Software yang biasa disebut sebagai Transformation Pack tersebut akan mengubah total tampilan Windows XP Anda.

Untuk mengubah tampilan caranya cukup mudah. Anda tinggal mendownload software-software di bawah ini (sesuai dengan tampilan yang Anda inginkan) lalu install software tersebut.

Vista Transformation Pack


Fedora Transformation Pack

Mac OS Transformation Pack

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Delapan Kado Terindah

Aneka kado ini tidak dijual di toko. Kita bisa menghadiahkannya setiap saat, dan tak perlu membeli ! Meski begitu, delapan macam kado ini adalah hadiah terindah dan tak ternilai bagi orang-orang yang Kita sayangi.

Kehadiran orang yang dikasihi rasanya adalah kado yang tak ternilai harganya. Memang kita bisa juga hadir dihadapannya lewat surat, telepon, foto, atau faks. Namun dengan berada disampingnya. Kamu dan dia dapat berbagi perasaan,
perhatian, dan kasih sayang secara lebih utuh dan intensif. Dengan demikian, kualitas kehadiran juga penting.
Jadikan kehadiran kamu sebagai pembawa kebahagian.
NB: pantes ya.. setiap kali hari raya keagamaan, orang selalu berbondong-bondong mudik…

Sedikit orang yang mampu memberikan kado ini, sebab, kebanyakan orang lebih suka didengarkan, ketimbang mendengarkan. Sudah lama diketehui bahwa keharmonisan hubungan antar manusia amat ditentukan oleh kesediaan saling mendengarkan.
Berikan kado ini untuknya.
Dengan mencurahkan perhatian pada segala ucapannya, secara tak langsung kita juga telah menumbuhkan kesabaran dan kerendahan hati. Untuk bisa mendengar dengan baik, pastikan kamu dalam keadaan betul-betul rileks dan bisa menangkap utuh apa yang disampaikan.
Tatap wajahnya, tidak perlu menyela, mengkritik, apalagi menghakimi.
Biarkan ia menuntaskannya. Ini memudahkan kamu tuk memberi tanggapan yang tepat setelah itu, tidak harus berupa diskusi atau penilaian.
Sekedar ucapan terima kasihpun akan terdengar manis baginya.

Seperti kata-kata, didalam diam juga ada kekuatan.
Diam bisa dipakai untuk menghukum, mengusir, atau membingungkan orang, tapi lebih dari segalanya.
Diam juga bisa menunjukkan kecintaan kita pada seseorang karena memberinya “ruang”.
Terlebih jika sehari-hari kita sudah terbiasa gemar menasihati, mengatur, mengkritik bahkan mengomeli.

Mencintai seseorang bukan berarti memberi kita hak penuh untuk memiliki atau mengatur kehidupan orang bersangkutan. Bisakah kita mengaku mencintai seseorang jika kita selalu mengekangnya? Memberi kebebasan adalah salah satu perwujudan cinta. Makna kebebasan bukanlah, “Kau bebas berbuat semaumu.”
Lebih dalam dari itu, memberi kebebasan adalah memberinya kepercayaan penuh untuk bertanggung jawab atas segala hal yang ia putuskan atau lakukan.

Siapa yang tak bahagia, jika orang yang disayangi tiba-tiba tampil lebih ganteng atau cantik? (eh..)Tampil indah dan rupawan juga merupakan kado lho.
Bahkan tak salah jika kamu mengkadokannya tiap hari ! Selain keindahan penampilan pribadi,

Tanpa, sadar, sering kita memberikan penilaian negatif terhadap pikiran, sikap atau tindakan orang yang kita sayangi, seolah-olah tidak ada yang benar dari dirinya dan kebenaran mutlak hanya pada kita. Kali ini, coba hadiahkan tanggapan positif.
Nyatakan dengan jelas dan tulus.
Cobalah ingat, berapa kali dalam seminggu terakhir kamu mengucapkan terima kasih atas segala hal yang dilakukannya demi kamu. Ingat-ingat pula, pernahkah kamu memujinya.
Kedua hal itu, ucapan terima kasih dan pujian ( dan juga permintaan maaf ), adalah kado cinta yang sering terlupakan.

Tidak semua masalah layak menjadi bahan pertengkaran. Apalagi sampai menjadi cekcok yang hebat.
Semestinya kamu pertimbangkan, apa iya sebuah hubungan cinta dikorbankan jadi berantakan hanya gara-gara persoalanitu? bila kamu memikirkan hal ini, berarti kamu siap memberikan kado ” kesediaan mengalah”. Okelah, kamu mungkin kesal atau marah karena dia telat datang memenuhi janji. Tapi kalau kejadiannya baru sekali itu, kenapa mesti jadi pemicu pertengkaran yang berlarut-larut ? Kesediaan untuk mengalah sudah dapat melunturkan sakit hati dan mengajak kita menyadari bahwa tidak ada manusia yang sempurna didunia ini.

Percaya atau tidak, kekuatan senyuman amat luar biasa. Senyuman, terlebih yang diberikan dengan tulus, bisa menjadi pencair hubungan yang beku, pemberi semangat dalam keputus asaan. pencerah suasana muram, bahkan obat penenang jiwa yang resah. Senyuman juga merupakan isyarat untuk membuka diri dengan dunia sekeliling kita. Kapan terakhir kali kamu menghadiahkan senyuman manis pada orang yang dikasihi?

Datanglah kepada seseorang yang dapat membuatmu tersenyum, karena sebuah senyuman dapat membuat hari yang gelap menjadi cerah. Berharaplah kamu dapat menemukan seseorang yang dapat membuatmu tersenyum.

Ada saat dalam kehidupanmu dimana kamu sangat merindukan seseorang.
Kamu ingin mengambil mereka dari mimpimu dan benar-benar memeluk dia. Berharaplah kamu mimpikan, pergilah kemana kamu ingin pergi, jadilah sesuai dengan keinginanmu, karena kamu hidup hanya sekali dan satu kesempatan untuk melakukan apa yang kamu inginkan.

Semoga kamu mendapat cukup kebahagiaan untuk membuat kamu bahagia. Cukup cobaan untuk membuat kamu kuat, cukup penderitaan untuk membuat kamu manusia yang sesungguhnya dan cukup harapan untuk membuat kamu bahagia.
Selalu letakkan dirimu pada posisi yang lain jika kamu merasa bahwa itu menyakitkan kamu, mungkin itu menyakitkan orang itu juga. Kata-kata yang ceroboh dapat mengakibatkan perselisihan, kata-kata yang kasar bisa membuat celaka, kata-kata tepat waktu dapat mengurangi ketegangan.

Kata-kata cinta dapat menyembuhkan dan menyenangkan.
Permulaan cinta adalah dengan membiarkan orang yang kita cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri dan tidak membentuk mereka menjadi sesuai keinginan kita. Dengan kata lain, kita mencintai bayangan kita yang ada pada diri mereka.

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10 tips Cinta agar Awet dan Langgeng

1. Jujur
Bila ada yang tidak kita sukai dari doi, lebih baik jujur. Klo perlu obrolin saat kita dan dia sedang berdua-an saja. Ngga pa pa koq, agak sakit sedikit tapi enak belakangan hari. Seperti kita gk suka melihat klo doi terlalu baik, mau mengantarkan smua teman cewe-nya. Ya boleh dech, kita trus terang aja, daripada saling sindir ato berantem.

2. Be Yourself
Jadi diri sendiri, paling baik. Gk perlu mengubah diri kita menjadi orang laen. Misalnya, kita biasa mengenakan baju casual, jangan lantas berubah pake tank top, rok mini hanya karena doi.

3. Tulus
Bila kamu mencintai dia, ya tulus aja.
Jangan berharap dia akan membalas dengan jumlah sama.
Bila sudah menolong dia, misalnya, jangan diungkit2 ato jadi perhitungan.

4. Terbuka
Ngga perlu boong soal teman2 kamu.
Terbuka aja, slama ini kita deket dengan siapa dan biasa menghabiskan waktu dimana. Selain doi jadi gak was2, kamu juga enak, gak perlu sembunyi2

5. Kata “Maaf”
Maaf memang ada batasnya.
Namun gak ada salahnya juga kamu slalu siapkan kata maaf.
Namanya juga manusia, pasti ada salah dan gak sempurna.
Kita sendirikan ngga “perfect”.

6. Kejutan
Jangan segan kita memberi kejutan buat si dia.
Misalnya, kita buatkan makanan kesukaannya ato bawakan sekotak coklat.
Mmmmmm … doi pasti tambah care sama kamu.

7. Care
Perhatian ! Pasti. Ngga perlu mengorbankan rupiah, tapi perhatian sekecil apapun berguna banget. Misalnya, doi sakit. Cek dech, sudah makan apa blom
Ato tengok sebentar aja, bagaimana dengan pelajaran dia yang tertinggal.

8. Dekat Keluarga
Awas ! Pacaran dengan doi, berarti kita juga wajib dekat dengan keluarganya
Minimal, kamu kenal dengan mereka. Sehingga, jika ada apa2, komunikasinya mudah. Kamupun bisa mendapat dukungan dari mereka lho.

9. Ngga Posesif
Memang sich, gak enak klo ngeliat doi kita akrab dengan banyak orang.
Tapi gak perlu posesif, kamu slalu memantau dia ada dimana, bersama siapa, dan lagi ngapain. Wah, lama2 bete juga lho, diawasi seperti pesakitan.

10. Hargai Privacy
Meskipun kita dan doi terbuka, gak smua hal bisa dibicarakan berdua.
Hargai juga privacy dia. Apa yang perlu kita ketahui dan apa yang sebaiknya jangan kita campuri.

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50 Hal Paling Romantis

50 hal paling romantis buat cewek/cowok mu:

1. Mandangin matahari terbenam bareng
2. Saling berbisik
3. Masak buat doi
4. Jalan pas hujan
5. Pegangan tangan
6. Beliin kado/hadiah buat doi
7. Mawar

8. Cari cologne/parfum/wangi2an yang doi demen en pake tiap kali bareng doi ( Jgn lakukan ini ke pacar anda, larangan no.1, pasti gak akan jd ma dia )
9. Jalan bareng di pantai tengah malem (jangan lupa bw jeket or sweater.. ntar masuk angin)
10. Tulisin puisi buat doi
11. Pelukan tuh obat yang umum buat doi
12. Bilang I love You, ngomongnya hanya pas lu emank bener
lagi ngerasain hal itu en pastiin doi tau lu bener2 demen ama die
13. Kasih doi kado yang beda misalnya bunga/permen/puisi de el el (ih, boros mat ya..)
14. Ngomong ke doi bilang dia tuh satu2nya orang yng lu mau. Jangan bo'ong!
15. Habiskan tiap detik bareng2 doi
16. Pandangin mata doi
17. Pas remang2 angkat dagu doi, pandangin mata doi, bilang ke doi lu
sayang ama die. En---kiss doi
18. Pas lagi rame, saling gandengan
19. Selipin pesan yang nyatain lu sayang ama die pas dia gak tau
20. Beliin doi cincin
21. Nyanyi bareng doi ( walau suara lu pas2-an )
22. Selalu pegang doi di sekitar pinggang
23. Bawa doi pegi makan bareng en makan malem bedua
24. Spaghetti? (pernah liat cewek dengan petualangan?)
25. Pegang tangan doi, tatap mata doi, kiss tangan doi en simpen di ati lu
26. Dansa bareng doi
27. Gue demen pas doi sedang tidur yang keliatan tanpa dosa di pangkuan gue
28. Lakukan hal yang manis misalnya tulis I love you di kertas sampe doi
bakal ngeliat cermin buat baca tulisan itu
29. Minta ijin buat nelpon doi tiap 5 menit
30. Pas lu lagi sibuk bikin sesuatu, tinggalin buat hubungi doi en ngomong
gua sayang ama lu
31. Hubungi doi dari tempat kerja lu buat ngomong lu lagi mikirin doi
32. Inget apa yang jadi cita2 lu en kasi tau doi ttg cita2 lu itu
33. Dengerin apa yang doi bilang en dukung doi
34. Bilang ke doi rahasia/masalah yang lu adepin
35. Kasih kesan yang baek ke ortu doi
36. Sisirin rambut doi dari wajah doi
37. Menggantungkan diri ke temen2 doi
38. berharap/sembayang bareng doi
39. Bawa doi pegi nonton film yang romantis en inget bagian film yang doi demen
40. Saling mempelajari en jangan buat kesalahan yang sama 2 kali
41. Buat kegembiraan yang lu rasain pas waktu lu cuma bedua
42. Saling mau berkorban
43. Bener-bener saling menyayangi, ato gak usah tetep bareng lagi
44. Enggak pernah ngelupain doi sedetik pun selama hari memberi, en pastiin doi tau hal itu
45. Sayangi diri sendiri dulu sebelom sayangi orang laen
46. Pelari bahasa laen buat ngomong hal yang manis
47. Kirimin lagu dari radio buat doi
48. Telpon bareng doi sampe tidur
49. Belain doi pas ada seseorang ngomong kasar ke doi
50. Gak pernah lupain ciuman selamat malem. En gak pernah lupa ngomong "mimpi indah" ke doi

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Sexy Dance

UPLOAD ON: Letitbit.Net FILE SIZE: 7.03 MB

Download mirror

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UPLOAD ON: Letitbit.Net FILE SIZE: 9.98 MB

Download mirror

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Radar Screensaver v1.71

Radar Screensaver v1.71

Radar Screensaver is innovative and visually stunning software that can turn your video display into a fascinating sky-watching radar screen. It 'detects' all flying objects, identifies their type, speed and flight course, and simulates movement across the entire airspace within its range of the 'virtual' antennas. This process is displayed in real time on your screen as if you were sitting in the chair of a real air traffic controller.

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Jessica Alba Screensaver 2008


Jessica Alba screensaver for all versions of Windows. (XP, Vista, 2000). This screen saver is a collection of Jessica's hottest pictures that will randomely display on your PC as soon as your screensaver is activated!

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Playboy Playmate Calendar 2009

PDF | English | 14.3 MB


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SolSuite 2009 9.00

SolSuite 2009 is a high-quality collection of 480 solitaire games. All your favorite games are here: Spider, Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Golf, Busy Aces, Canfield, Forty Thieves, Four Seasons, Carpet, Flower Garden, Rouge et Noir, Monte Carlo; along with original solitaires that you cannot find elsewhere.Each solitaire has more than nine trillion possible shuffles, so the game remains fresh, no matter how many times you play. Enjoy the detailed statistics of each game with graphs, 3D charts (pies and bars) and tables to estimate your skill level (by total, current session, series of wins and losses, players' games won, players' score, hi-scores...), statistics for All Games, Won games, Not Won games, Over Average, Under Average, Not Played... For solitaire lovers, SolSuite 2009 is a guaranteed pleasure. Each game is fun and exciting, and will keep you entertained for hours. If you like solitaire games, then you'll want to add SolSuite 2009 to your collection!

SolSuite 2009's version contains:
- Spider solitaire games: 20
- FreeCell solitaire games: 15
- Klondike solitaire games: 26
- 256 other solitaire games types!
- Solitaire for Children: Over 15
- Original solitaires: More than 162

Changes in SolSuite 2009's NEW v9.0:

2 new games (500 games in all):
- Castor and Pollux
- Marco Polo

SolSuite 2009's v9.0 includes the following new Features:

New Ribbon Interface
SolSuite 2009 includes the Ribbon, a graphical user interface composed of a strip across the top of the main playing area. Ribbon interface is a part of the new Microsoft Fluent User Interface that replaces the menus and toolbars used since the version 2008 of SolSuite. The Ribbon is a way to enhance usability by consolidating related commands so that they are easier to find. Commands are organized into groups and related groups are organized on tabs. One need not look through multiple levels of hierarchical menus.
* You can still use the old Menus and Toolbars with SolSuite 2009 and you can switch at any time from the Ribbon to the old Menus and Toolbars interface and vice versa.
* The new Ribbon interface is available for Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems. If you have a previous Windows versions (Windows 98, NT, Me and 2000), you can continue to use SolSuite 2009 with the traditional Menus and Toolbar interface.
Added the following new Card Sets:
- Princess Alexandra of Wales (in the "Flowers" folder)
- Victorian Ladies (in the "People" folder)

Size : 14.2 MB

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Amazon Chess v1.03

Chess is a recreational and competitive game played between two players. Sometimes called Western chess or international chess to distinguish it from its predecessors and other chess variants, the current form of the game emerged in Southern Europe during the second half of the 15th century after evolving from similar, much older games of Indian and Persian origin. Today, chess is one of the world's most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide in clubs, online, by correspondence, in tournaments and informally.

The game is played on a square chequered chessboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight square. At the start, each player (one controlling the white pieces, the other controlling the black pieces) controls sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in "check") and there is no way to remove it from attack on the next move.
The tradition of organized competitive chess started in the sixteenth century and has developed extensively. Chess today is a recognized sport of the International Olympic Committee. The first official World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886; Viswanathan Anand is the current World Champion. Theoreticians have developed extensive chess strategies and tactics since the game's inception. Aspects of art are found in chess composition.

System requirements:
• Windows 2000/XP/Vista
• DirectX 8
• 1 GHz
• 256 MB RAM

Resolution: 1024x768 Fullscreen/Windowed/Desktop

Size : 14.7 MB

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Anime New Graphic Beauty Wallpapers

Anime New Graphic Beauty Wallpapers:

10 JPEG | 1900 x 1200 pixels |

Size : 4 MB

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Scarlett Johansson Wallpaper Collection

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75 Lucy Pinder Wallpapers 1920 X 1440

75 Lucy Pinder Wallpapers 1920 X 1440

Some people was waiting for this collection, enjoy!

Size : 15.9 MB

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Portable Kaspersky Antivirus v7.0.0.120

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus 7.0 provides you with traditional anti-virus protection based on the latest protection technologies. You can work, communicate, surf the internet and play online games on your computer safely and easily.

Product Highlights

* Three protection technologies against new and unknown threats:
1) Hourly automated database updates,
2) Preliminary behavior analysis,
3) On-going behavior analysis. New!
* Protection from viruses, Trojans and worms
* Protection from spyware and adware
* Real-time scanning for email, Internet traffic and files
* Protection from viruses when using ICQ and other IM clients
* Protection from all types of keyloggers. Improved!
* Detection of all types of rootkits. Improved!
* Automatic database updates

Additional Features

* Rollback of unwanted changes on your computer
* Self-defense of the antivirus program from being disabled or stopped
* Tools for creating a Rescue Disk
* Free technical support

Size : 16 MB




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Portable VBA32 Virus Scan

VBA32 Antivirus is the antivirus for local computers reliably and, the most important, quickly works in real time (monitor) and by your inquiry (scanner) in the environment of Windows operational systems, providing detection and neutralization of the computer viruses, the mail worms, the trojan programs, programs such as the backdoor, the adware, the spyware etc.

The structure of Vba32 Personal contains:
- On-access scanner
- On-demand scanner
- Auto-update system
- Explorer context menu extension
- Plug-ins for the mail clients The Bat!, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Exchange ? Client
- POP3-filter for incoming e-mail messages check irrespective of the used e-mail client
- Script-filter that protects from malicious scripts execution in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook Express, and also in any other applications that use the technology of Microsoft Windows Scripting Host

Here are some key features of "VBA32 Antivirus":

· Check of the archives created by the most used archivers: RAR, ZIP, ARJ, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, MS CAB
· Processing (including neutralization) of messages in Microsoft Outlook Express 4 and 5, Microsoft Outlook, The Bat! mail bases
· Automatic updating of anti-virus bases and executable modules of the program
· Automatic updating up to new versions without the necessity of reinstallation of the package
· Use of the technology "Deltapatching" for repeated reduction in volume of the information, downloaded from the Internet at updating
· A heuristic analyzer and technology of recognition of viruses MalwareScope?, that considerably raises the efficiency of struggle against new malicious programs
· An emulator of the processor with a dynamic code translation that effectively processes polymorphic, packed and encrypted viruses
· The control of integrity and the automatic substitution of damaged modules allows to raise an antivirus work reliability

Size : 45.3 MB

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Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 Portable

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 is an essentially new approach to data security. The main feature of the application is restricting the programs' rights to access the system resources. It helps prevent unwanted actions by suspicious and hazardous programs. The application's capabilities in the protection of user's confidential data have been considerably enhanced. The application now includes wizards and tools which substantially facilitate execution of specific computer protection tasks

The new features in Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009:

New Protection Features:
- Scanning of operating system and software for vulnerabilities with their subsequent elimination maintains a high system security level and prevents sneaking of hazardous programs into your system.
- New wizards – Security Analyzer and Browser Configuration facilitate the scanning for and elimination of security threats and vulnerabilities in the applications installed on your computer, operating system's and browser settings.
- Kaspersky Lab now reacts faster to the new threats due to the use of Kaspersky Security Network technology that gathers data about infection of users' computers and sends it to Kaspersky Lab's servers.
New System Restore wizard helps fix system damages after malware attacks.

New confidential data protection features:
- Security of confidential data entered from the keyboard is ensured by a new tool Virtual keyboard.

New protection features for internet use:
- Protection against internet intruders has been upgraded due to the extended databases of phishing sites.
- Security of working with instant messengers is provided by ICQ and MSN traffic scan.

New program's interface features:
- The new program's interface reflects the comprehensive approach to information protection.
- High information capacity of dialog boxes helps user quickly make decisions.
- The functionality of reports and statistics information about the application's operation has been extended. The possibility of using filters allowing flexible setup when working with reports makes this product irreplaceable for professionals.

Interface Language: English

OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Size : 25.5 MB

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Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom™

New Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom™ software is the professional photographer's essential toolbox, providing one easy application for managing, adjusting, and presenting large volumes of digital photographs so you can spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the lens. So you can spend less time sorting and refining photographs, and more time actually shooting them. Its clean, elegant interface literally steps out of the way and lets you quickly view and work with the images you shot today, as well as the thousands of images that you will shoot over the course of your career. Because no two photographers work alike, Adobe Lightroom adapts to your workflow, not the other way around.

Lightroom lets you view, zoom in, and compare photographs quickly and easily. Precise, photography-specific adjustments allow you to fine tune your images while maintaining the highest level of image quality from capture through output. And best of all, it runs on most commonly used computers, even notebook computers used on location.

Top new features
- Local adjustment brush
- Enhanced organizational tools
- Volume management
- Extensible architecture
- Multiple monitor support
- Flexible print package functionality
- Streamlined Photoshop CS3 integration
- Enhanced output sharpening
- 64-bit support for Windows® and Mac OS

Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 2 offers powerful new and enhanced features across the entire program to help you streamline your digital photography workflow. Sort and find the photos you want faster, target specific photo areas for more precise adjustments, showcase your talent using more flexible printing templates, and more.

OS: Windows XP/Vista

Size : 16.3 MB

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Google Earth Plus v4.3.7284.3916

Today Google released the latest version 4.3 of Google Earth. Google added lot more feature in this latest version and with all of the great user-created buildings in the 3D Warehouse. With the Redesigned Navigation system you can fly very smoothly from the heavens down to the streets of your town. The most important feature I like is, you can view the exact date of a particular satellite image.

New navigation - Google Earth is a 3D application, but we realized that a lot of our users never quite got the hang of using the tilt feature to navigate around 3D features like mountains and buildings. Not only that, but even for expert users, if you tried to get down to the ground and navigate at street-level, navigation was cumbersome and confusing. Well, no more.

We spent a lot of time rethinking how users interact with 3D data. We realized that when in outer space and far above the ground, you really want standard map-like controls that allow you to pan and zoom smoothly. However, if you want to get down to the ground and check out a city street, you really want a street-level navigation mode like you'd typically find in a video game.

Finally, you want to be able to seamlessly transition between these modes as you fly down to visit a city and fly back out to space. So we modified the zoom control. As you get closer to the ground, your view slowly tilts, almost as if you are parachuting onto the ground. We also added a new control, the "look" joystick, which allows you to look around. If you are on the ground, you can change your viewpoint and look up at buildings, down canyons, or over at the rising sun. If you use the "pan" joystick when on the ground, you will follow the ground as if you were walking on it.

More, faster 3D buildings - What good would fancy new navigation controls be if there wasn't something new to look at? While we're regularly adding new user-created SketchUp buildings submitted through 3D Warehouse, we decided to take things up a notch for this release by including photo-realistic models for dozens of new cities. Take a spin around Tokyo, Munich, or Boston to get a taste. We've also significantly enhanced our approach to rendering 3D data to greatly improve performance and realism.

Here comes the sun - The world may not be flat, but something about the lighting in the old Google Earth sure was. If you've gotten tired of seeing everything lit with the mid-day sun, then we have just the trick for you. Click on the new sunlight button on the toolbar in Google Earth, click the play button on the time slider, and watch the sun as it circles around the globe. Try getting close to the ground and look up at the eastern sky, and see the sun rise. I'm more of a sunset kind of person, but you can just look to the west and watch the sun disappear behind the hills too. While it's no substitute for the real thing, it is great fun to play around with.

Street View - Ever since we introduced Street View in Google Maps back in May 2007, people have been asking us when the same data would be available in Google Earth. Well, that day is today; using the PhotoOverlay feature available in KML 2.2 (or should I say the OGC standard KML 2.2,) we have made all of the Street View panorama photos available as a layer in Google Earth. Double-click on an icon to fly into a photo, and navigate from photo to photo.

Imagery acquisition date - As Product Manager for Google Earth, I'm fortunate enough to get to talk to a lot of our users, and usually the first question I get asked is, "When was the imagery taken?" With the new imagery acquisition date feature, I no longer have to answer. Now you can just move your mouse cursor over an area you're interested in and see when the image was taken right in the status bar in Google Earth. We don't have dates for everywhere, but we have great coverage, so have fun exploring.

12 new languages - When Google Earth first launched in 2005, it came in any language you wanted, as long as it was English. We've come a long way since then, with support for 26 languages in Google Earth 4.3.

New additions include: Danish, English (UK), Spanish (Latin American), Finnish, Hebrew, Indonesian, Norwegian, Portuguese (PT), Romanian, Swedish, Thai, and Turkish.

Size : 7.6 MB

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Portable Uniblue DriverScanner 2009

Computers run hardware devices, such as printers or graphics cards, using software called drivers. Without drivers you wouldn’t be able to print a document, read this webpage or connect to the Internet. All hardware elements in your PC, including your graphics and sound card, your motherboard, your hard disk, your modem or even your keyboard, come with drivers. Initially these may have come preinstalled with the operating system, or you may have installed them from the manufacturer’s CD. However the manufacturers will since have improved these drivers by removing bugs and adding extra features or functionality. This means that unless you update your drivers regularly you may face any of a range of problems, from the relatively minor, such as hardware that seems buggy and poorly performing, to the more major such as hardware failures, conflicts and complete system crashes.

With so many drivers installed on your system you cannot reasonably keep track of which drivers have been updated, which is why you need driver update management software to help out. Driver Scanner is the perfect solution for automatically updating drivers, saving you the hassle of having to identifying all your system’s drivers, then find updates for them using, before then downloading them from the manufacturer’s website. Driver Scanner scans your PC’s drivers and checks them against our comprehensive library of the latest drivers, to give you a full list of all those that need to be updated. With single click simplicity Driver Scanner will then install each update on your PC. But what’s more, Driver Scanner will also backup all your drivers to an external device, meaning that the next time you reinstall your system you can load up all your latest drivers, from one place.


- Scan summary and download history
- Disk drives scan
- DVD/CD-ROM drives scan
- Monitors scan
- Processors scan
- Sound, video and game controllers scan
- Universal serial bus controllers scan
- Simultaneous driver downloads
- Driver download management technology
- Display adapters scan
- IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers scan
- Network adapters scan
- Other devices scan
- System devices scan
- Unplugged devices scan
- Easy driver backup
- Windows restore points
- Easy driver restore
- Minimize DriverScanner to taskbar
- Minimize DriverScanner to tray
- Select number of simultaneous downloads
- System tray shortcut
- Shows driver statuses
- Windows Familiar GUI
- Shows Scan Progress

Size : 18,6 MB

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